Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 25            Lesson 4.4- Know Your Audience

Reading and answering the questions on last week’s discussion board was interesting and fun. But what I got out of it was even more interesting.  I remember my mom talking about one of her favorite classes she had taken when she was going here at OTC. I think she called it Interpersonal Communications. She did it online. She said the first question that he asked the instructor was “How do you do interpersonal communications with an online class?” The instructor had replied that she had wondered the same when she first started teaching it online, but that it was very possible to do…that it just took a little more effort to get it done.  She said it was a small class of about 12 students, and before the semester was over, they had gotten to be really close. Their final project was to a group project with would be their required proctored final in which they would meet there on campus to give their presentations. Mind you, none of these students had never met or even seen a picture of each other… But my mom said when they walked into the room it was amazing how they all knew each other almost immediately by how that person greeted them. Although some looked totally different than she had pictured in her mind’s eye, she was surprised that it didn’t make any difference at all in the relationships they had built throughout the semester.

This assignment has been kind of like that for me. I know have more of an idea of who my classmates are. It makes the online experience seem more personal, therefore making it more comfortable. From the questions I have learned that some are very well traveled to places that I wouldn’t even imagine myself getting to go to. I have learned for most of us family is very important, how they play a big role in which we have become as individuals and adults, and how their influence has/will influence us for the rest of our lives. We all have made mistakes which have actually turned into blessings; we all want to be a superhero of some kind. We all have our fears and insecurities; we all have goals, different, yet still the same. I have learned that while learning to be professional is important, that it can be done with a little humor along the way. It makes it not near as stressful and boring. I have also learned that critique and differences can be done with respect, as well as encouragement to each other. I see big potential in several of my classmates as being successful writers. I can see myself reading and laughing as I read one of your publications.

As for me, maybe not a successful writer in the same sense as some, but as we discussed, success is defined by the individual. I see my success as a more professional writer for present purposes, and in years to come as a much more professional communicator in the job field. Knowing your audience plays a big part in that. And I think this assignment really helped with that.


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