Saturday, June 20, 2015

SU15ENG101-W03   Assignment 3.3 - This I Believe Pre-writing – Blog  (timed)

I believe in God
I believe in love
I believe in loving others
I believe in loving self
I believe in happiness
I believe in values
I believe in hard work
I believe in respect
I believe in sharing
I believe in giving
I believe in eating healthy
I believe in nature
I believe in my girl
I believe in my daughter
I believe in my family
I believe in taking care of business
I believe in education
I believe in the phases of the moon
I believe man walked on the moon
I believe our country is in great need
I believe that we are destroying the earth

*8:15pm-8:25pm June 20, 2015   Word count 119 Characters w/spaces 599

Assignment 3.3 This I Believe Pre-writing- Freewriting (timed)
I think it might have been easier to write about things I don’t believe because a lot of the things I believe in have changed or been taken away from us. I believe in our country but I believe our country is in great need of a big change for the better and I want to believe that people will wake up and see this instead of just complaining and doing nothing about it. I still believe in respect and values and hard work to get where you want be but not killing yourself for something that will be taken away from you. We are destroying our lands and our nature, our animals and it has messed up the ecosystem and when we have destroyed all of it there will be no more. And we fight wars but we don’t take care of our own people. I believe that we can all have a purpose even if it is only a small one and if everyone even did just a small part then changes would be made. But if we don’t take care of business instead of just talking about it nothing gets done. I believe that our country needs to come to peace with God and the universe and start thinking more of others than of self and greed. And this is kind of a rant that I believe needs to take place so people can know what happiness and peace is.

9:30pm-9:40pm  June 20 2013   Word count 386 words 1977 characters w/spaces.

Lucas Newby

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